Course introduction
Hello, my name is Nicholas Whitaker.
I am in the Media Outreach Lead on the Google for Media team and our team's whole role is traveling around the world providing resources, and educational materials, and training for journalists interested in using Google's Tools for Journalism.
Today, I am going to take you through two modules as part of the Google Search for Journalists course. The first module is Getting Started with Search Refinements, which will show you how to get more out of your search experience.
I think a lot of times we have the tendency to put a small sentence or a small paragraph into the search bar, cross our fingers and hope for the best. But there are better ways to use Google Search in order to get a more professional experience.
The second module is Advanced Image Search. As you've probably done before, searching for images online can sometimes be very difficult, so I'll show you how to use Google Search and specifically Google Image Search to get better results faster, so you can go on about your project.
So let's get started with module number one.
Nicholas Whitaker
Strategic Partner Lead - News & Local Media
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